Challenges make me very anxious, and so I only signed up for one this year, The War Through the Generations. Mainly I picked this one our of all the great challenges in the blogosphere because I love history. Secondly, I have participated in this challenge over the past three years. Most important of all, I enjoy this challenge because it is very broad and flexible. There are one a few limitations, but I like the fact that non-fiction and fiction are included. The inclusion of DVD's as an acceptable format for the challenge makes so much sense, as they really bring life to the study of whatever war is currently being covered.
This year's Civil War topic has me overjoyed. A couple of years ago I took a grad course and was able to visit Gettysburg. I have so many books left sitting unread on my shelve. Now with this challenge I am delighted to have a focus ahead this year.
I'm In....Yes, my second challenge!
I visited Historical Tapestry recently and noticed their new challenge for this year. After reading further, I couldn't help myself. I admit it, no willpower. Not when it comes to books. I can abstain from sweets and adhere to specific portion control no problem, but we're talking books and reading and HISTORY! At least that was my rationalization.
So before I changed my mind, I quickly added several reviews that I already posted this month. Historical fiction is my comfort zone and my passion, so I don't know if this would really be a challenge. However, as I said before, most challenges make me anxious, but I'm going to accept this one and sign up for the highest level because I know I am a history bookaholic. so it would make sense that I choose the Severe Bookaholism level at 20 books. So, good luck to everyone who is participating in this challenge and thank you to Historical Tapestry for hosting the Historical Fiction Challenge 2011.
Disclosure: If at any time I get too nervous or suffer anxiety as a result of pressures from this challenge, I will withdraw. LOL
As far as my reading for Sunday Salon, I am in the midst of Enemy Women, by Paulette Jiles and finishing up The Fort, by Bernard Cornwell. Have a great weekend everyone.

© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2008-2011].