Friday, June 27, 2014

Enter to Win ….Book Giveaway!!!


4th of July BOOK CONTEST….


  • Publisher: Viking Adult; First Edition edition (May 6, 2014)

Penguin Random House has asked me to host a book giveaway for Lynne Cheney's fascinating book, James Madison: A Life Reconsidered.  Just in time for the fireworks and celebrations for the   4th of July, this year, someone will be fortunate to win this treasure. 

I read this amazing history of James Madison and for those of you who devour American History you won't want to miss this biography.  Ms. Cheney, has studied Madison since the late 80's.  Her portrait of this dynamic political powerhouse will grasp your attention from the beginning.  I will post a review for viewers in the next few days, but until then take advantage of this generous giveaway sponsored by the publisher. ~WL

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Recommendation: Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick


BUNKER HILL: A City, A Siege, A Revolution*

by Nathaniel Philbrick
  • Hardcover: 416 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Adult; 1 edition (April 30, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0670025445
  • ISBN-13: 978-0670025442

*#2 on Amazon's Best Sellers for the Colonial Period  

My Comments:

If you have read any other books by Nathaniel Philbrick , than you know as I have discovered, his historical narratives are of the highest quality and utterly engaging.  Honestly, I have had this book in my sights since before its release date last year.  One thing about being an avid reader,  the TBR nightstand becomes a precarious pile teetering near collapse.  If not, then your bookshelves are perhaps meticulously organized, or perhaps crammed with two rows deep. One thing is certain, they all haunt this reader as they whisper "read me next."  Is it me, or are there just not enough hours…to savor each book, while new temptation beckons you to the next possibility ---when you have finished?  

Official Book Trailer-You Tube

I have to apologize to the author, as I purchased this book when it first came out.  I bought it because I knew Nathaniel Philbrick's reputation, his compelling narratives and I was anxious to read BUNKER HILL.  I love American History and particularly this period in our country's birth.  I call myself part sentimental, part historian and always part the curious cat. But for whatever reason, Bunker Hill is a riveting narrative about a city. A city which Philbrick calls his main character.  Within the city our history plays out with the famous people we know like,  Joseph Warren, John and Sam Adams, John Hancock, Revere, Washington, Gage and the loyalists and patriots.  The story begins and ends with the role played by a young seven year old witness to the Battle of Bunker Hill, John Quincy Adams.  With tears in his eyes the violence of the day and the death of his beloved family friend, Dr. Joseph Warren, would stay with him for his entire life.  BUNKER HILL:  A City, A Siege,  A Revolution is superb. It has become a best seller, and is now in paperback as well. I only regret that I had not read this one sooner. I have already skimmed back numerous times. A must read for readers of American History- Philbrick is a phenomenal storyteller supported with his dense research.  ~Wisteria Leigh (2014)

Disclosure:  I purchased the copy of Bunker Hill for this review. WL

© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2008-2014]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hi everyone!  I wanted to pass on this list of free-public-domain book sources to you and have it handy on my blog so that I can refer back to it.  Enjoy!