Weekend Cooking is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs. Thanks to
Beth Fish Reads for hosting this event.
This is my first post for Weekend Cooking. I am the kind of cook that experiments often. I don't write things down and change a lot of my recipes from time to time, so this will be a challenge for me to share some of my cooking with you. Watch out...no just kidding.
I decided to pass on a recipe I got from my friend Donna's mom. She would make this recipe for her dog Rusty and she kept telling me how much he loved it. Well, having three greyhounds, who normally have very sensitive stomachs, I was reluctant to try this recipe for Frosty Paws. I have seen similar recipes online, so I don't know where this originally came from. Here is the recipe..it is sooooo easy.
1-32 ounce container of plain yogurt
1-banana-ripe is better
2-T peanut butter
2-T honey
Combine all the above ingredients in a blender and mix until it is blended like a smoothie.
When done you have to freeze this in cups or something for your dogs. At first, I thought of using ice cube trays. This works ok, but when I gave them these they gobbled them up in two bites. So I began to think about alternatives. I remembered my recycling bin where I had plastic cups left over from prepared pudding. I save these to root plants and plant seeds in, but I had so many saved. After rewashing them, and using a 12 cup muffin pan for support, I placed a plastic cup into each spot. This makes it easy to fill, freeze and serve.
I was so excited the first time I gave them these in the plastic cups. They were so happy as they caressed their cups and went to town licking their yummy treats. Now of course, every time I go to the freezer they think it is Frozen Yogurt treat-time. This is Lion with his treat, who sometimes thinks the cup is to be eaten as well.

© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2010].