R.M. ArceJaeger
Amazon Kindle Edition, ASIN-B006SFN4GI
Platypus Press, (505KB)
January 2012.
Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous retell of the classic story Robin Hood, but this time the role of Robin Hood is a girl. Robin is the recalcitrant, headstrong daughter of Lord Robert of Locksley. She has no recollection of a warm loving father. She has little contact with him, he is distant and reclusive, preferring to ignore his two daughters. Then one day she is summoned to meet with her father. With cautious trepidation she arrives in his study.
He begins by stating the obvious, that it is her birthday. However, he is unable to recall that she is eighteen, not seventeen, and Robin politely corrects him. Without delay her father announces he has a surprise for her that he will reveal at her birthday feast. During the celebration she accepts a dance with a man who introduces himself as Phillip. He roughly pulls her close with arrogance and Robin is revolted by his acrid breath and demeanor. Once the music stops, Robin is further repelled when he kisses her on the lips. Some time later, her father announces her birthday surprise. It is the engagement of his daughter Robin to Phillip Darniel, the Sherriff of Nottingham. Robin is loath to accept Phillip, and is shocked with disbelief.
It is this situation that leads to her plan. She will never agree to this marriage. With skill, determination and cunning Robin of Locksley, expert archer, transforms herself into a young boy.
R.M. ArceJaeger crafts the retelling of the classic Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest with the substitution of Robin, a women heroine. She honors the classic by keeping the original characters, but the adventures are more complicated with a woman leading her band of outlaws. I for one am delighted that this Robin gives young girls a role model that isn't dressed as the beautiful helpless princess. The story is most suitable for YA audiences and adults due to some mature content. Place is easily envisioned with the author's ability to capture mood and setting with precise descriptive prose.
Honestly, I couldn't put my Kindle down. I read this one in one afternoon at lightening speed. ROBIN LADY OF LEGEND will captivate readers with start to finish action adventure that certainly complements the original.
Disclaimer: A Kindle Edition of this book was sent digitally for my review. This review is my honest opinion without bias for any reason.
Reference Links: http://rmarcejaeger.com
© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2008-2012].
Disclaimer: A Kindle Edition of this book was sent digitally for my review. This review is my honest opinion without bias for any reason.
Interesting. I will love to read this version of Robinhood. Sounds enjoyable.
A lady Robin Hood! that sounds intriguing... would love to read this book!
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