Happy Sunday to all!! I hope you have been enjoying some of the teasing temperatures that keep popping up hear and there. Last weekend was so beautiful and warm with highs in the 7o's. What a contrast today as I have the woodstove heating me up instead of the Spring sunshine. I guess that's what happens in March though. You just never know what to expect. More rain is in the forecast and flood warnings are threatening again as the soggy soil will try to absorb another pounding of wet weather. I'm so glad that my passion for books makes rainy days the perfect weather to stay indoors and travel in my mind, without getting wet.
How is the Spring treating your world?
Today I am reading, The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott, by Kelly O'Connor McNees and so far I am really enjoying this historical fiction story about LMA. I do see myself in her character and the reactions of her family are too real and a bit uncanny. I see where the book is heading, and am anxious to see how the story continues.
This week, I finished reading The Lotus Eaters, for the War Through the Generations Challenge. I will post the review shortly.
Mystery Update

Poor Mystery; i wish you could find relief for her.
I am so sorry to hear that Mystery is unwell again. I understand how heart wrenching it is to watch a beloved animal suffering and being unable to help. I hope the next drug works.
The Louisa May Alcott book is definitely on my wishlist.
Thanks for the update on Mystery! No one deserves all these problems and pain!
I am reading Lost Summer too. I like it and I am finding it to be quite charming so far.
I'm so sorry poor Mystery is still having problems.
Poor Mystery... I really and truly hope she'll recover fully and be her good bubbly self again.
I wish for a cooler weather here. It's blazing hot at 33C.
Diane..Thanks...I started her on something else tonight. I'm hoping.
Vivienne..Thanks..I'll let you all know. She is a sweetie.
Rhapsody...She has had a terrible time. The trouble is I don't always know how she is during the day, because I work. When I'm with her on the weekend, I see that she is stressing. After talking to the vet on Saturday, we are trying something else. She is sleeping now, so cute to see her resting, but I honestly don't think I will know if it really works until Saturday. Ugh....
Ti...Thanks. Yes, I think charming is a good word for it. I like it.
Alice...Yikes...around 91F thats icky for me. It is 54F today year..suppose to get to 71F this week though. That is a perfect temp, unless there is high humidity. We are suffering with buckets of rain.
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