A True Story of Grief, Rescue, and Grace
by Pam Cope with Aimee Molloy
Grand Central Publishing
The Hachette Group
April 16, 2009
HC 320 pages.
I have five copies of Jantsen's Gift to raffle off in a giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog with a reason why you think you might like to read this book. All winners will be chosen in a random drawing not by content. Please leave an email address so that I may contact you. (This is open to US residents only).
The drawing will take place on April 27th, to celebrate my one year anniversary blogging. This is open to US residents only.
From the Hachette Website:
Nine years ago, Pam Cope owned a cozy hair salon in the tiny town of Neosho, Missouri, and her life revolved around her son's baseball games, her daughter's dance lessons, and family trips to places like Disney World. She had never been out of the country, nor had she any desire to travel far from home.
Then, on June 16th, 1999, her life changed forever with the death of her 15-year-old son from an undiagnosed heart ailment.
Needing to get as far away as possible from everything that reminded her of her loss, she accepted a friend's invitation to travel to Vietnam, and, from the moment she stepped off the plane, everything she had been feeling since her son's death began to shift. By the time she returned home, she had a new mission: to use her pain to change the world, one small step at a time, one child at a time. Today, she is the mother of two children adopted from Vietnam. More than that, she and her husband have created a foundation called "Touch A Life," dedicated to helping desperate children in countries as far-flung as Vietnam, Cambodia and Ghana.
Pam Cope's story is on one level a moving, personal account of loss and recovery, but on a deeper level, it offers inspiration to anyone who has ever suffered great personal tragedy or those of us who dream about making a difference in the world.
Good Luck!
Thanks to Anna Balasi and The Hachette Group for this generous giveaway.
It looks like a very inspiring book! I'd love to read it especially in these times.
I love to read true stories! This story, albeit sad, sounds uplifting...how a mother overcomes her grief to help herself and others. This sounds like a great story, and I would love to read it.
I can't enter because I am one of the British bloggers, but everyone should enter this as this book sounds so inspiring. I am looking forward to reading it.
it looks like a captivating read thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have heard great things about this book
I love to read books about people who are able to rise above personal tragedies.
madamerkf at aol dot com
My friend told me about this book! She said she read it in one night, becuz she couldn't put it down. I'd love to win!
alove1965 at gmail.com
This sounds so inspirational:) Thanks!
This looks to be a very moving book. Thanks for the chance.
I would love to read this book because I have already read an excerpt in Readers Digest. I just have to read the whole book now LOL!!
This book may give me the wake up call I need! Count me in!
This sounds like an incredibly moving book. I'd love to read it. Please enter me.
What an inspiring read. Enter me, please.
I would love to read this. Thanks!
I need a good summer book
This one could work :-)
Kawaiineko2008 at aol dot com
YAHOO! Please count me in :)
I just finished reading this book. It was SOOOO great. I can't even tell you. Good luck everyone! You'll be lucky to get this one.
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