"I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice--not because of the voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother's death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am a Christian because of Owen Meany."
This is the first line from one of my favorite books of all time! It was so memorable that I named my cat after Owen Meany. If you have never read this book, please put it on your TBR list and read it. You will be happy you did!!
Do you have a favorite first line in a book? Do you have a quote from one of your favorite books you would like to share? I love quotes and would love to hear some of yours. Have a great Tuesday!!
Well that one has immediately been written onto my TBR list. What a wonderful quote. I really don't have a favourite. I always read wonderful words,then forget to make a note of them. I will try harder in future.
That it is a great intro. I mean, a boy with a wrecked voice and the instrument of mother's death? I read Owen Meany years ago but absolutely loved it! I'm actually a bit surprised I haven't read anything else by John Irving! Have you?
Oh and first lines, I'm terrible about remember them but I do know I've liked the intro to I Capture the Castle, Love in the Time of Cholera and Chocolat! :)
fabulous quote, i'm adding this to my TBR now. I need to make a seperate TBR pile of book blogger recommendations lol
I love, love, Alice Hoffman.
'Wishes are brutal, unforgiving things. They burn your tongue the moment they're spoken and you can never take them back. They bruise and bake and come back to haunt you.' -The Ice Queen
I haven't yet read Owen Meany, but it is sitting on my TBR shelf. That's a wonderful quote, Donna. I can see why you like the book so much.
Scrap Girl...Sometimes certain quotes I write down on a piece of paper or post it on the back inside cover of the book. Or I have a spot on Google Documents that is always accessible. Depends. I just loved this book.
Yes, I started to read another book, can't remember and got distracted. I have two others to read. My cousin just read the Piggy Snead book of short stories and liked it.
Naida...I love Alice Hoffman also. I read Ice Queen in one day during the summer. It was phenomenal. Great quote.
Wendy...You should read it sooner rather than later. I think you will like it. :)
Iliana..forgot to put your name on the response. How was I Capture the Castle?
I have it, just never read it.
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