Shandi Mitchell
Harper Collins, September 2009
352 pp.
It is the spring of 1938 and Theodore arrives at his home after completing a two year sentence for stealing grain. He and his wife Maria have five children and they live in a small shack with Theodore’s sister Anna and her two children. Theodore still harbors bitterness from his imprisonment and works from dawn to late at night determined to build a new home. He has worked a deal with his sister to buy the land in her name, and pay it off in the next year. Being an ex-con he is unable to hold property in his own right. He and his son Ivan work tirelessly to build their home and farm the land. Unfortunately, Anna’s abusive, carousing and lazy ass husband Stefan returns home after a long sojourn with ideas of his own.
Under This Unbroken Sky is the story of two Ukrainian families who escaped the ruthless rule of Stalin to start over in Canada. The author has created a story of family relationships, greed and hardship. Mitchell’s characters are so memorable they could walk into your life, as if you always knew them. They are more than black on white descriptions on the page as their personalities live.
Theodore is a proud man and intends to protect and provide for his family at all costs. Their new home is spacious and they use the old shack as a grain bin. Anna and Maria both become pregnant, but he is most concerned with how his sister and children will survive having a deadbeat husband as a provider.
Theo is disgusted with his sister’s lack of ambition and when she turns against him her fate is sealed. All he can see is what he sees. He has no vision or capability to imagine what lies beneath the surface. Maria and Anna are women caught in a time when a husband was a person to obey without questions.
Mitchell’s writing is edgy and disturbing as the tension of the two families heads toward a collision of unconscionable results. The suspense is dramatic and Mitchell ensures your heart will resonate with compassion with this rare unforgettable ending. Under This Unbroken Sky is a significant sensitive novel that you will not want to miss.
Disclosure:I received this review copy from Barnes and Noble as part of their First Look Book Club.
This sounds like a book I would enjoy. I saw Ti's post and now another has made me add it to my wish list. Thanks!
Diane..You would probably like it a lot. It was one of my favorites from last years reading.
I love your characterization of Stefan! And yet you were too easy on him! LOL
Wow, this sounds really good. I am glad you got to review it in the end.
this sounds really good, like theres alot going on in the story.
and I like your new blog header and quote, very nice :)
Rhapsody..Thanks and you're right, I was too easy on him.
Vivienne..I had it posted on Library Thing, I must have brain faded that day or something. LOL I think you would like this book a lot.
Naida..It has a lot of imagery and detail. The story is complex. Thanks about my header. :)
Thanks for the review, Wisteria! I'm not sure if I'd read this but the story does sound compelling.
I love your new header too!
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