War Through the Generation’s 2010 Reading Challenge will be the Vietnam War. The challenge will run from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2010.
This year you have options when reading your fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, etc. with the Vietnam War as the primary or secondary theme.
Books can take place before, during, or after the war. Books from other challenges count so long as they meet the above criteria.
Dip: Read 5 books in any genre with the Vietnam War as a primary or secondary theme.
Wade: Read 6-10 books in any genre with the Vietnam War as a primary or secondary theme.
Swim: Read 11 or more books in any genre with the Vietnam War as a primary or secondary theme.

I haven't finalized my book choices yet. I hope that is ok. I know that one of the books will be The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. I just purchased it this week on my trip to Borders.
I have a list that keeps changing as I vacillate back and forth. If you have any recommendations please let me know. I read In Retrospect by Robert McNamara for a grad course several years ago. I really liked it then. I gained so much incite as I read it that I would like to revisit it during the challenge. If you have any ideas for my list, please let me know. I would really appreciate it.
List of Books Read for the Challenge
3/28/10, The Lotus Eaters, by Tatjana Soli
Happy reading and good luck with the challenge!
Thanks Alice.
Thanks for joining the challenge! You're on the official challenge participants list!
So glad you're joining us again this year. The Things They Carried is on my reading list, too.
Diary of an Eccentric
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