Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t count, eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
Now before anyone looks at my mailbox and thinks, "Wow! What a week." I haven't posted a mailbox in a long time. I decided to get back in the swing of things this week after many weeks of not feeling well. So, this is a collection from the past two weeks. I'm not going to catch up with the ones I missed, but I have them recorded on my Google Doc.

The Last Queen, C.W.Gortner
This Means War, Ellen Wittinger
Days of Grace, Catherine Hall
Lady of the Butterflies, Fiona Mountain
Proust's Overcoat, Lorenza Foschini
An Eagle Named Freedom, Jeff Guidry
Mr. Darcy's Obsession, Abigail Reynolds
Semper Cool, Barry Fixler
The Secrets of Newberry, Victor McGlothin
Alchemy and Meggy Swann, Karen Cushman
The Last Estate,Conor Bowman
How to Survive a Natural Disaster, Margaret Hawkins
Captivity, Deborah Noyes
For the Kings Favor, by Elizabeth Chadwick
Darcy's Voyage, by Kara Louise
Thanks to Anna and Serena from War Through the Generations for sending me an autographed copy of Semper Cool. I am anxious to read this one.
Ladies of the Butterflies and An Eagle Named Freedom are both books from Early Reviewer's on LT.
I'm excited to get to read Alchemy and Meggy Swann by Karen Cushman, one of my favorite YA authors. I started reading this one last night and true to her writing she has me hooked. Watch for my Tuesday Teaser from this book.
With summer vacation arriving in eight days, but who is counting, I am anxious to kick off my summer reading. I have a lot of books in the TBR pile to choose from. My next up is A Fierce Radiance by Lauren Belfer. What is your next read? What are you looking forward to reading this week. Hope your week is the best!
Wow you are set for your vacation! Have a terrific time wherever you go and Happy reading!
This is a great list. Haven't come around to finishing A.S. Byatt's Possession and I can't finish it soon but I am hoping to read Uwem Akpan's Say You're One of Them.
Last week I bought two books: Uwem Akpan's Say You're One of Them and Wole Soyinka's You Must Set Forth at Dawn. I have blogged about these.
Glad to see you're back and feeling better!
You got some really great books - I am totally jealous over Lady of the Butterflies...I've been drooling over that one!
I hope you enjoy them all!
My mailbox is HERE.
I hope you continue to feel better! You look to be set for new summer reads! I see many titles that are new to me that I will be checking out! Enjoy all your new reads!
I'm so surprised he signed all of the books. I got two more of semper cool for the end of year giveaway too! and those were signed as well.
Looks like you got some great books.
Reynolds' writing is great and The Last Queen by CW Gortner is one of the best books I've read in a long time. -- it made my 2009 list of top 10 books.
Metro-Thanks..You too! I'm not planning any big getaways, just local and R & R. Meaning...relaxation and reading. LOL
Nana- I have Say Your One of Them too. I want to read it so bad. Hopefully this summer.
Amy..Thanks for the well wishes. I was lucky to get Lady of the Butterflies. I'll let you know what I think. :) I'm sure you have a bunch that I'm salivating over.
Beth..Thanks for the good wishes..it's been a long time. I can't wait for summer.
Serena-- I know I was so excited about getting the signed copy. Thanks much. I read something by Reynolds before and liked it. Gortner blew me away. Loved Medici and I bought The Last Queen last week because I was so into his writing.
Pussreboots-Thanks for stopping and I'll check your's out. :)
wow HUGE stack this week; enjoy. I also received Proust's Overcoat.
Whoo-hoo, that's a great pile! I have The Last Queen, but still haven't read it, although I've only heard great things about it. I'd love to read Lady of the Butterflies and Captivity too (although goodness knows I don't need anymore books!). Enjoy your pile!
I got those Darcy books, too. Hope you like Semper Cool. I didn't accept a copy due to a backlog of review books, but it sounds really good.
I did a few weeks' worth of books in a single mailbox post a couple of weeks ago because I was behind, and since I included them in my BEA books post, everyone thought I made out like a bandit there even though I brought home only 7 or 8 books for myself from the event. :)
Happy reading!
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