Yes, it has been a while since I have posted and I am hoping to continue at least partially until I am able to contribute to my blog more regularly. I have had quite a time with the Lyme Disease and as you now the puppers have been sick. Exhaustion and pain are two words to describe the worst symptoms I endured as a result of this insidious parasite that invaded my body without even knowing it. Unfortunately, mine was undiagnosed and had really hunkered into my body. After recently finishing a long term treatment of antibiotics I am hopeful that I have turned the corner to recovery. So, as I am feeling better I apologize for my absence, lack of posts and inability to read my friends wonderful blogs. Most distressing was my inability to read and comprehend anything I read, so I just couldn't read. I feel very out of touch and eager to catch up on my blog roll.

The hounds are 50/50. Having four greyhounds is a lot of fun and they are a gentle loving breed. Mystery is doing sooooo much better thanks to longterm medication. However, my sweet old boy Webster has taken a turn for the worse requiring heavy duty drugs to allow him to function pain free. He has a stenosis in his spine which affects his ability to walk and climb stairs. He's a trooper though and hates to be left behind, so he is carrying on. Yeah Webster. Webster is the black greyhound in the pic.
Now for the reading rundown. I have read within the last week or so as my symptoms waned.
The Postmistress by Sarah Blake was a phenomenal read that was set during WWII on Cape Cod and London. This was the first book I was able to focus on as I recovered. Thanks to Sarah Blake for writing with such poetically imaginative prose that I had to read again and again, not because I didn't understand it, but because her imagery was so beautifully written. I will write a formal review soon, but read this one if you haven't. I received this book as an ARC from the publisher.
A Cottage by the Sea, by Ciji Ware was given to me by Sourcebooks for review. I was eager to read this one as I had recently read
Island of the Swans by the same author and I love her writing style. Here is my
Glad to see you posting again. I am so sorry to hear that your health has been compromised by Lymes Disease - it is a terrible disease, but glad to hear the treatment is working. Love your dogs...sending gentle hugs to Webster. I have yet to read The Postmistress..but I am not seeing a bad review out there, so maybe I should!
So glad you're back, or back when you can be! Poor Webster! I also have spinal stenosis so I can relate although I am sure it is easier for a person to accommodate and work around. What a year you have been having! Well, it just has to turn around now!!!
Wendy, Thanks for stopping and your kind words. :)
Jill...It has been pretty bad, but I'm optimistic. How awful that you have spinal stenosis. I now it is awfully painful in humans, so I know my guy is hurting.
I am so glad you are feeling better and back to previously enjoyed activities. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease about 3 or 4 years ago. but after a period of feeling awful, muscles/joint pain, high fever etc, combined with heavy antibiotics I began to feel normal again.
When I fell ill a few years back after a trip to Yosemite, they at first thought it was Lyme disease causing it but it turned out to be Lupus. The pain was unreal. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this but at least they figured out the problem.
It's so good to see you back posting and how great that you are starting to feel better. I had some health issues earlier in the year and it really it's just so stressful to go through stuff like that isn't it. Sending you healing vibes so you continue to gain strength and best wishes for Webster. Poor doggies.
Sending you hugs across the miles, hoping you continue to improve as do your gorgeous puppies. Hope medication helps Webster stay pain free. I am so out of touch with things happening in blogland but it was lovely to see your comment on my blog.
{{hugs}} Sheree
So sorry to hear all this. I hope you're all feeling better (or at least as good as can be). ((HUGS))
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