Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

I couldn't resist snapping this pic of my friend's cat......


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

I'm guessing there was shrimp on the table...LOL (He looks like my Freckles a bit :)

very cute

wisteria said...

Diane...Believe it or not..no shrimp. My friend says he sits like that all the time. He is soooo funny. Like he's waiting for his plate. LOL

rhapsodyinbooks said...

That's a riot! It almost makes me want a cat! (well, heck, I'd take any pet if I didn't have such bad allergies so I can only love everyone else's through pictures!!)

Alice said...

That's a very cute cat!

Kaye said...

That is so funny! I can just picture him thinking, when are we eating, when are we eating. He looks like a cat we had named Butterscotch.

Marie Cloutier said...

LOL, I love it!!! :-)

Darlene said...

OMG, that is just too cute!

ps-How's Mystery doing?

Iliana said...

Haha.. Too cute.