I had a busy weekend that took me to Hyde Park, NY where I visited the FDR Library and Museum and Val-Kil. I will blog a bit for Sunday Salon..although it will be Monday. I picked up two books at the gift shop about Eleanor Roosevelt. Eleanor and Amelia Go for A Ride is a special picture book I used to read to my classes in both middle school and elementary school. It is a wonderful little known story about Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt (my two favorite heros in history) and the night Amelia took Mrs. Roosevelt for an airplane ride. They were friends and they managed to escape the Secret Service tail in order to enjoy a whimsical night of riding in Eleanor's roadster and Amelia's plane. I love this book and never had my own copy. Thanks to my sweet cousin I now have my own copy.
I also received:
Eleanor Roosevelt Her Day, A Personal Album by A. David Gurewitsch, MD.
From Sourcebooks:
Elizabeth Captive Princess, by Margaret Irwin
Wicked Company, by Ciji Ware
Lady of Hay, by Barbara Erskine
From the author, Roxane Tepfer Sanford I received,.....All That is Beautiful the sequel to The Girl in the Lighthouse. I can't wait to read this one. The Girl in the Lighthouse was a moving and heart stopping read that I reviewed on my blog last year.
Happy Mailbox Monday to all! What did you get and which do you think you would like the best out of my mailbox?
© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2010].
Looks like a really interesting book. Have a great week and happy reading. Sounds like you had a fun weekend.
looks like you got some interesting books...happy reading.
All new titles to me. Enjoy!
Amelia Earhart was my hero growing up. I tried to join the Civil Air Patrol when I was young because I wanted to be just like her, but at the time, they only accepted boys. In my inimitable manner, I immediately gave up, and slunk away. So glad that isn't the case for girls these days!!!
You've got some very cool stuff there. Enjoy your reads!
Looks fascinating! I hope you enjoy it. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
The Eleanor and Amelia book sounds interesting. Enjoy all your new reads!
How bizarre - we have a Hyde Park in London!
Lady of Hay is fabulous. I used to read a lot of Barbara Erskine books. I think I may need to revisit her books.
The Eleanor Roosevelt book catches my eye. I would love to learn more about this pioneer First Lady!
Happy reading!
First of all I LOOOOVE Amelia Earhart.. I even named my cat after her! And second I LOOOOVE Lady of Hay!! ! It was my second Barbara Erskine books... I tell everyone about it! I may have to do a re-read!
Looks like a lot of good books! I got the Ciji Ware book too- I love the cover.
Great mailbox! I also received Wicked Company - I just love Ciji Ware!!
Happy Reading!
My mailbox is HERE.
That's an interesting mailbox! I like picture books!
Great mailbox! The Eleanor and Amelia book sounds very nice.
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