I have way too much time on my hands in the summer. Yesterday I rearranged my living room which doesn't sound too taxing, right? Well try carrying a recliner downstairs to your family room...alone. Yep, that's me. So independent at times it is scary. Which is why I am asking for your help today.
I am stressing over my blog layout and design. I have seen so many wonderful new looks, and I guess I needed to look at my blog with a fresh eye. I didn't want to give up too much of the old look so I made some minor changes. What do you think so far. Really guys, I am alone in this and need your help. Do you like the white instead of black main text portion? How's the header? Do you think I should go to three columns? What is missing? Please all of your suggestions will be read and I value your ideas. Struggling, an OCD blogger with the summer off. HELP!
© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2010].
I'm not very creative. All I can think of to say is that it looks good and I like it!
I really prefer the white main text box because it makes it easier to read for me. I really like your header too, but that's such a personal thing, so maybe you want to change it.
I like the tabs at the top as well. I like three column blogs because it pares down the scrolling I have to do if there is only 2 columns and I'm looking for things.
good luck with the design and have fun!
I like the white text area. It makes your reviews stand out more. And I personally prefer the 3 column look. :)
I really like the header and I love, love the white background. I just think it's easier on the eyes :)
Have fun designing!
I think it looks good. I prefer text on a white background because it's easier for me to read.
Rhapsody...Your opinion is important to me. Thanks
Serena..A lot of people seem to like the three column look. I will try it..I know there will be some adjustments to make with size. Thanks
Shelley..Thanks, I guess the white is better, I never realized. This is why it helps to hear what my blog friends think when they read it.
Iliana...I'm glad I changed to white background then. I was hung up on that reverse image look, I guess. Thanks for your thoughts.
Anna..I'm so glad you think the white is better. It stays.
I do like the header, it looks very cool, and the white is nice as a background,
I like the white background for the text. It's much easier on the eyes - that's why I had changed mine too.
I prefer 3 columns only because it makes things much more organized than 2. You can separate things out between the columns. Pages are really handy for that too.
I personally like the header but I agree with Serena - it's a personal choice. Your blog has to be something you want to look at and are pleased with first and then have it pleasing to others.
Have fun. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Bloggers are a great help! I bugged Serena silly when I was changing to my own domain. lol.
I like it! It's very professional looking.
Blodeuedd--I'm glad you like the header. Thanks for the feedback.
Darlene...Thanks for all your comments.
I may give you a holler now that I have your email.
Ladytink534...Thanks..I'm working on it.
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