Thank you all for your kind words, ((hugs)), and support when Webster crossed over.
It really touched me so much. Each post, although bringing tears to my eyes, helped me mourn and grieve for my fur baby Webster. This photo I took on Thursday when I let my other three greyhounds out in their run. It does seem odd to see just the three greyhounds run, but when this butterfly appeared I wept. This beautiful butterfly floated and hung around for the entire time we were out. Believe what you want, I want to believe Webster was saying he was running free. Thanks again for your empathy and love.
What a lovely thought. I hope it's true!
Gorgeous and I am a believer! Bless that sweet Webster.
When my brother passed in November, a gorgeous yellow rose bloomed by his wife's front door (I saw it). It was early December, and we live in New England!!!!
that is a beautiful thought.
Beautiful thoughts, Wisteria. Webster is now in a better place...
I truly believe that we are given these beautiful moments at times when we need comfort. On my baby daughter's memorial day we released butterflies, one landed on my hand and stayed for a minute or so. I believe my little girl was saying goodbye.
Diane...I'm so sorry for your loss. The rose is amazing. A cherished sign like that can mean so much. I believe.
Rhapsody...I just read this quote in the book I'm ironically reading called The Lady of the Butterflies.
One of the characters says, "God put butterflies on this earth to remind us of paradise, of the promise of eternal life. To give us hope."
I read this yesterday, several 3 days after I saw my yellow butterfly and wrote this post. Too weird.
Naida...thanks and for the xo's
Alice thanks. so sweet of you
Teddyree...First, I'm so sorry about your baby daughter...I had no idea. My deepest sorrow and sympathy to you. Yes, the comfort we get from these special signs, although highly emotional can certainly keep a place warm in our hollow hearts. Thanks for writing.
I'd think the same thing about the butterfly. What a beautiful thing to happen, to offer you some comfort.
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