I am delighted to be a part of this blog tour featuring Interrupting Chicken, by David Ezra Stein. I shared this wonderful book with you a few weeks ago,(review) and now have exciting news! Candlewick Press has graciously donated two copies for a book giveaway of this charming book. You will love this book: the pictures the characters and the story.
When you read with children enthusiasm often wins over patience, as demonstrated by Little Chicken. Isn't this cover the best?
Easy to enter:
1) Leave a comment on this post with you coded email address. You have until August 31st to enter. :)
2) Tweet about the contest and share the link. +2 chances
3) Blog or include this in your sidebar. +2chances
4) Add your name to my follower list on my sidebar. +2 chances
Note: Participants must reside in the United States or Canada for this giveaway.
Synopsis from the publisher:
It’s time for the little red chicken’s bedtime story --and a reminder from Papa to try not to interrupt. But the chicken can’t help herself! Whether the tale is HANSEL AND GRETEL or LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD or even CHICKEN LITTLE, she jumps into the story to save its hapless characters from doing some dangerous or silly thing. Now it’s the little red chicken’s turn to tell a story, but will her yawning papa make it to the end without his own kind of interrupting? Energetically illustrated with glowing colors --and offering humorous story-within-a-story views --this all-too-familiar tale is sure to amuse (and hold the attention of ) spirited little chicks.
A favorite joke inspires this charming tale, in which a little chicken’s habit of interrupting bedtime stories is gleefully turned on its head.
Aug. 9 – Picture Book Review, http://picturebookreview.com/
Aug. 10 - Katie's Literature Lounge, http://katiesliteraturelounge.blogspot.com/
Aug. 11 – Readaholic, http://bridget3420.blogspot.com/
Aug. 12 - Two Writing Teachers, http://twowritingteachers.wordpress.com
Aug. 13 - Not Just for Kids, http://notjustforkids.blogspot.com/
Aug. 14 - Milk and Cookies, Comfort Reading . . ., http://janasbooklist.blogspot.com/
Aug. 15 - Bookworm's Dinner, http://bookwormsdinner.blogspot.com/
Aug. 16 - Where the Best Books Are, http://wherethebestbooksare.blogspot.com/
Aug. 17 – KidsLit review, http://kidslit.menashalibrary.org/
Good Luck to everyone!
Thank you again to Candlewick Press and Laura Rivas, for my copy and the two giveaway copies of Interrupting Chicken.
This looks adorable.
I would love this for all my interrupting nieces! :--)
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I would love to win - it looks like a cute book!
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
+2 I follow your blog.
Biblio..It is sweet.
Rhapsody...I like that..interrupting nieces.
Alyce..It's adorable.
this sounds like fun! great giveaway :)
Oh! This book looks like a delight! I'd love to win a copy to read with my grandchildren.
+2 I'm a follower
super cute!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
Wow! This sounds like a great book. I'm a sucker for a good chicken book.
Looks like a fun read.
Chicken Books are always a hit with my boys!
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I love books about chickens. I would love a chance to win. Thanks.
We'd love to read this book at our house.
Theresa N
michelejdaley at gmail dot com
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