Welcome to Mailbox Monday, the weekly meme created by Marcia from The Printed Page where book lovers share the titles they received for review, purchased, or otherwise obtained over the past week. Mailbox
Monday currently is on tour, and this month’s host is Shanyn from Chick Loves Lit.
This week I had an abundant mailbox some expected and some surprises. I want to thank all the publishers and authors who sent new books to the Bookworm Dinner's Mailbox.

BUDDY ZOOKA IN THE FRENCH QUARTER AND BEYOND, by Praline Tangerine ( sent by Picnic Basket). This one is hysterical so far. You can just tell by the pic that this one that Buddy Zooka is a hoot. Well, it is a YA, but honestly it is a book for everyone. More on this one later.
MAPS AND SHADOWS, by Krysia Jopek ( sent by Aquila Polonica)
THE CAILIFFS OF BAGDAD, GEORGIA, by Mary Helen Stefniak (Library Thing Early Reviewer)

HEARTBROKE BAY, by Lynn D'Urso (Berkley Trade for HNR)
CURRICULUM 21, Essential Education for a Changing World, by Heidi Hayes Jacobs
DEWEY'S NINE LIVES, by Vicki Myron (Dutton)

LITTLE PRINCES, One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal, by Conor Grennan (William Morrow)
© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2010].

BUDDY ZOOKA IN THE FRENCH QUARTER AND BEYOND, by Praline Tangerine ( sent by Picnic Basket). This one is hysterical so far. You can just tell by the pic that this one that Buddy Zooka is a hoot. Well, it is a YA, but honestly it is a book for everyone. More on this one later.

HEARTBROKE BAY, by Lynn D'Urso (Berkley Trade for HNR)


LITTLE PRINCES, One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal, by Conor Grennan (William Morrow)
I am an IndieBound Affiliate and by purchasing any of these books through my link, I will make a very small percentage.
Wow, you got a lot of great looking books! Little Princes and The Cailiffs of Baghdad, Georgia catch my eye. Enjoy!
Oh I want to read the new Dewey book (loved the last one).
Happy reading!
You have an interesting and eclectic group of books this week:)
I have heard good things about Little princes...hope you enjoy
I've seen maps and shadows in a few mailboxes...happy reading
I'm so jealous! I want Heartbroke Bay, The Cailiffs of Baghdad, and Maps and Shadows! Hope you enjoy them. Please stop by my Mailbox when you have a moment!
Enjoy them all. I think THE CAILIFFS OF BAGDAD, GEORGIA looks good.
Heartbroke Bay, The Cailiffs of Baghdad, and Maps and Shadows call out to me!
BTW, I am feeling much better. I simply snapped out of it. Maybe writing about it helped me in the right direction. I know I will have my moments but now I can cope. I am back to writing poetry and that's good!
BTW, if you are interested to read my poetry, please do click on my name.
I haven't read any of those - I hope they all turn out to be great :) Happy reading!
Oh the last one sounds interesting! Enjoy your books Wisteria.
wow, looks like you got some great books wisteria.
Buddy Zooka sounds like fun.
happy reading!
Enjoy you're new books. The Cailiffs of Bagdad, Georgia and Maps and Shadows looks very interesting.
Okay Donna, I am totally jealous of The Cailiff's of Baghdad Georgia. I am happy for you though; enjoy!
All the other books look great as well.
I Got The Cailiffs too from Librarything. It sounds like a great stroy! We'll have to compare comments after we read it! Enjoy!
Bermuda..thanks for stopping by
DC Metro..I read the picture book to my kids at school.
The Book Girl..Little Princes does look good..Thanks for stopping
Serena...Yes and its a WWII book.
Lady Q..I''m curious about Heartbroke Bay because it takes place in Alaska.
Mary...thanks for stopping..I will
Gautami..Glad you feel :)
Nymeth..Yes..they are new..I'm anxious to read...alas...time...time...time
Iliana..Yes, that was a surprise arrival.
Naida..Buddy Zooka is colorful, great..funny..different. I love New Orleans anyway.
Jennifer..I'm looking forward to all. Thanks for stopping.
Biblio...Well-You have some tempting treats also over there.
Beth...Yes! I'd like that.
Your mailbox is fantastic. Enjoy your books.
Sweet haul and I love the new MM pic!
Happy Reading!
I have Maps and Shadows, too. Looking forward to your thoughts!
There's a new Dewey book? I didn't know! Happy reading :)
What an interesting mailbox! I've never got any luck with receiving books from LibraryThing Early Reviewer. Enjoy your books!
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