All About It
If you’re new to Mailbox Monday welcome! Thank you to everyone who stops by Mailbox Monday. Whether you comment or visit I appreciate your taking the time to drop in."
First, I wanted to thank Dar at Peeking Between the Pages, as I received Linger and Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater from her recent online giveaway. These two books were sent to me direct from Scholastic and I can't wait to get my eyes on them. LOL Thanks again Dar, I am a lucky blogger.

I received Beastologist, by Nathaniel Fludd via The Picnic Basket and I will feature this soon on my new meme, All About Children Thursday. You might even want to feature a book or two you received in your mailbox there.

I received Russian Winter, by Daphne Kalotry from Harper Collins and it looks really great. Listen to the quote of Lauren Belfer, author of A Fierce Radiance, from the jacket,
"Russian Winter is a marvel that had me canceling appointments and staying up half the night, as it swept me into a world of intrigue, poetry and romance. Set against the perfection of ballet, the hardships of life in the Soviet Union after World War II, and the anguish of families lost and found. Russian Winter reminds me of why I love to read fiction."
I don't know about you, but that makes me curious and ready to put everything aside in my life to start reading it. I can't wait.

I received The Wave, by Susan Casey from Doubleday. Of course anything about the ocean intrigues me having the sand of the shore in my shoes forever.

I received Beastologist, by Nathaniel Fludd via The Picnic Basket and I will feature this soon on my new meme, All About Children Thursday. You might even want to feature a book or two you received in your mailbox there.

I received Russian Winter, by Daphne Kalotry from Harper Collins and it looks really great. Listen to the quote of Lauren Belfer, author of A Fierce Radiance, from the jacket,
"Russian Winter is a marvel that had me canceling appointments and staying up half the night, as it swept me into a world of intrigue, poetry and romance. Set against the perfection of ballet, the hardships of life in the Soviet Union after World War II, and the anguish of families lost and found. Russian Winter reminds me of why I love to read fiction."
I don't know about you, but that makes me curious and ready to put everything aside in my life to start reading it. I can't wait.

I received The Wave, by Susan Casey from Doubleday. Of course anything about the ocean intrigues me having the sand of the shore in my shoes forever.

I'm really excited about my mailbox this week. How about you, what did you get?
© [Wisteria Leigh] and [Bookworm's Dinner], [2010]
Russian Winter is making the rounds - I can't wait to see the reviews come in...it looks really good.
Cognrats on your wins!
HERE is my Mailbox Monday.
I won Linger and Shiver earlier this year and can't wait for them to come! I hope they're as good as I'm expecting.
congrats on winning linger and shiver...so jealous I am! Happy reading.
Nice, Stiefvater :)
I hope you like them
I really want Russian Winter; enjoy
Russian Winter looks good!
Russian Winter definitely looks good! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
You are a lucky blogger!! I have Linger envy going on right now!!
Arrrgh, alas no Russian Winter for me. I hope you enjoy it tremendously and I look forward to your thoughts on the story. Have a great week and happy reading!
I want Linger and Shiver but it is really The Russian Winter that I want to read most!
great mailbox! I keep seeing Russian Winter around the net...it sounds very good!
I've been meaning to try the Maggie Stiefvater books. I love the cover of Russian Winter. Happy reading!
These all sound good. Lucky you!
Oh you lucky girl. I just saw a great review of Linger over at Melody's blog and I want to read both of those Stiefvater books. Enjoy them and tell us about them ok!
Great looking MM. Enjoy your books. I'm a day late in making the rounds. Here's what I received.
Amy..I am so excited about Russian Winter too.
Bermuda..I have heard they are both great.
Serena...Yeah..and I'm jealous of yours tool LOL
Biblio..I hope it is good. I'll let you know.
Mary, Alayne..Russian Winter is getting a lot of hugs today.
Staci..I felt really lucky when I won Dar's contest. I am grateful to her for my wins.
Marg & Kaye, Naida & Holly ..So many of you love Russian Winter, I might have to jump ahead with that one.
Leslie...Thanks for stopping,
Iliana..I will share asap.
Pussreboots...I'm a day late with Teaser Tuesday so I guess we're both filing late editions. LOL
I love the Russian Winter cover. I still haven't read the Stiefvater books and I really need to get around to doing that...
I got Russian Winter, too, so I'm definitely looking forward to your thoughts on that one. Happy reading!
Uggh, I'm such a bad blogger lately that I'm missing some good stuff. I'm so glad you won the giveaway --it's always fun to make someone happy. Enjoy!
Love you mailbox! Dar always have the best book giveaways on her blog. I totally enjoy hers.
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