Newsweek, You're On! The Fifty Books For Our Times Reading Project: "Whittaker Chambers by Sam Tanenhaus"
I just signed up for this challenge that is actually going to be quite fun I think. It only requires reading one book and posting a review by the end of the year. Click on over to My Friend Amy's Blog and check it out.
Here is what she says:
So....here's the deal. If you want in, to cast your authoritative opinion as a book blogger whether or not one of these 50 books is a Book for our Times, pick a book off the list that hasn't already been chosen and leave a comment with your pick. If you're using Internet Explorer and having a hard time with comments, shoot me an email at mypalamyATgmailDOTcom And then I'll add your name to this list. By the end of this year,read the book, review it, and add some commentary on whether or not you think this is an important book for our times. At the end of the year, I'll write a post recapping everyone's reviews!
I signed up for the Whittaker Chambers book #27. A natural fit for a historian.
Hope you join in the fun.
Your choice does sound perfect for you, Donna. I hope you will enjoy it! :-) I'm looking forward to my choice too.
Enjoy it! :D
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