This week I have three categories of books that I received. It was a huge week and I need to have my head examined for bookmania. I'm sure I have it. What do you think? Perhaps there are a few of you who have similar symptoms.
Do you have more books than you could ever read? Do you still have the urge to purchase more? Do you make trips to the library even though your shelves are overflowing? How about those ARCs, still arriving daily on your doorstep? Do you continue to buy more bookshelves and use bookstacks for furniture? Well, I am no DR. of Bookology, but my guess is you also have BOOKMANIA. Smile:) it could be worse.

Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
Searching for Pemberley by Mary Lydon Simonsen
Willoughby's Return by Jane Odiwe
The Maze Runner, by James Dashner
The Sentinels: Fortunes of War, by Gordon Zuckerman

A Hundred and One Days by Asne Seierstad (Bookseller of Kabel)
With Their Backs to the World, Portraits from Serbia by Asne Seierstad
Ahead of Time, Memoir by Ruth Gruber
A Year in the South: 1865 by Stephen B. Ash (A True Story of Four Ordinary People Who Lived Through the Most Tumultuous Twelve Months in American History)
The Colors of Courage, Gettysburg's Forgotten History, by Margaret S. Creighton
If the Creek Don't Rise, (My Life Out West with the Last Black Widow of the Civil War), by Rita Williams

Books I purchased while browsing in a bookstores.....
Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody
Black Reconstruction in America by W.E. Du Bois
Whittacker Chambers by Sam Tanenhaus.....for a 50 Books Challenge.
Impeached, David D. Stewart
The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton
What did you get this week. Are you as eccentrically book manic as I am?
You've definitely built up quite a pile! But I'm with you - who can resist 75% off?!!!
Ohhh Austen sequels :D
Happy reading with those
I loved, loved, loved The Forgotten Garden! I hope you enjoy is as much. You got some great books. I too, wish I hadn't passed on Circle of Souls. Dang ! Have a great week and happy reading with all your new books. My Mailbox is here
Yikes...that's impressive if not a tad intimidating! You've got loads of great reading ahead of you!
You can see my Mailbox here!
I definitely suffer from bookmania too! LOL
I have had a copy of Pope Joan on my TBR shelf for years. I don't know why I haven't read it yet. I picked it up a couple of times to start, but then something else would catch my attention and I wouldn't even get it opened.
I have a copy of Forgotten Garden too. One of my online book groups is reading it this month, but I don't know if I'll be able to join in since I'll be away.
Enjoy all your new books!
You've got lots of books too! :-)
I was just coming over here to make sure you are recovered after hyperventliating over on my blog.. LOL.. are ya better now??
That's how I feel when I realize I am still 20 books behind on my ARC/need to review list. Panic mode!!
I am hoping to honor my own decision to phase out ARC's for September so that I can focus on catching up. Would eventually like to read the books I have still been spending money on.
I am jealous of the 75% off Sale you got to attend.. did you squeal??!
I buy books for comfort. I used to comfort eat, but as I have spent the last six months losing weight I had to find an alternative to eating. So now I buy books for comfort. It has been fabulous for my waistline and my book knowledge, terrible for my purse!
"Do you have more books than you could ever read? Do you still have the urge to purchase more? Do you make trips to the library even though your shelves are overflowing?"
Yep. And yep. And yep again. Sounds like I have all the symptoms :P I take comfort in the fact that there are worse addictions.
Enjoy your new books! I hope you have more luck with The Forgotten Garden than I did.
Oh, I'm looking forward to your reviews of Searching for Pemberley and
Willoughby's Return. I wasn't aware of either one of them!
WOW...you got some great books this week. I noticed Pope Joan (ARC). I thought that b ook came out several years ago?
Rhapsody..I know I couldn't believe the whole store was 75% off...it was like a candy land.
Blodeuedd...Thanks they should be interesting.
Kaye-I'm glad to hear you loved the F.Garden so much. Now I'll have to move that one up in the pile.
Kelly-I know...but I have a lifetime..hopefully a long one. lol
Lit Feline...I know it was out before, but this is a new printing from June. I'm anxious to read it.
Marie B.----I was on the floor and my dogs licked my face. Thanks for checking on me.
Yes...I squealed...the best thing is ...it is a permanent sale. Oh dear!
Vivienne...That's a good exchange. If I could read on the treadmill, I think I would be better off.
Nymeth..Glad to see I have a partner in my disability.
Holly- I think I have to have them done by the end of October..I have to check.
Diane..It's a re-printing...June 9th. I don't know who first published it.
I received Searching for Pemberley, too. Sounds like a good one. I've pretty much stopped accepting ARCs because I want to dig myself out from under the mountain of books at some point, but I can't give up library sales. I'm addicted.
My Mailbox is here.
Diary of an Eccentric
Yes to all your questions. I have started stacking books on the furniture downstairs yet even with the review copies coming in I'm buying just as many. It's a sickness I tell you - lol. You got a good load of books - Pope Joan is fantastic!
I love your eclectic collection of books for the week!
How will you decide what you pick up to read first?
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