File name 0555 img0042.pcd
Source The Connecticut Historical Society.
Daisy M. Winslow driving a pony cart, Simsbury.
Isn't this a smashing pose with Daisy and her little dog beside her. The year was 1895. I wonder where she was going? Who was she? Why was she alone? Would anyone like to try and make up a scenario in their comments?
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Have a happy Wordless Wednesday!!
Happy WW to you! :D
That is a great picture! I love old photography.
I just love these old historical pictures. I often do the same and wonder just what their lives were like. It seemed such a simpler life then. I bet she was on her way to town to go to the post office.
that's a terrific photo! :-) not the usual thing at all and tells a story all its own.
wonderful photo, I do wonder wher she is off to.
I love this photo. The good Diane says --I think she was on the way to the post office & general store.
The fresh Diane says she is on her way to the local saloon ;0.
I descended from winslows. My Gr. Grandmother Nellie Winslow named her daughter Daisy. Wonder if she is related.
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