Happy Sunday Salon Everyone!!
I must apologize for skipping last weeks Sunday Salon post. Please forgive me, but I was recovering from the day before. My cousin had come down with a carload, no joke of plants. He was coming down to construct a new garden for me in the front yard. He laughingly told me he would be driving with his head out the sunroof and when he drove in my driveway, I saw why. His car had become a botanical rain forest with an abundantly filled frontseat, backseat and trunk. An an array of plants in a kaliedescope of color.
Where was my cousin among the cascading vines? He jumped out laughing, with a smile on his face and I just couldn't get over what he had brought down to create my new garden space. So....having said that, I am sorry I missed last weeks post, but he wore me out. If you want to see my garden, check out my Wordless Wednesday.
Thank you "cous", for all that you do to help me!!! The garden is looking great!!! The garden club has been lurking around. LOL
2nd....For those who missed this great event, my awesome sister passed her state license test and became an RN this week. She is one strong female I'll tell you. Five children with one over 30, going to college for the first time late in life (no age disclosed...sorry) is not easy task. While continuing to raise her family, after 5 years of school, she realized her dream. Woo Hoo Sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time for the reading recap for July, but I will post that this coming week. I did want to say I just finished my first Sookie Stackhouse mystery this week, Dead Until Dark. This was such a fun read and so unexpectedly witty. Charlaine Harris is such a talented writer with an amazing gift of natural dialogue and wit. You have to be sharp to pick up the sarcasm and humor when Sookie is around. Chalaine...I can't wait to read book 2-7. I decided to have a day of fun and read a book for me as my last July 2009 read. What a delight it was!!!
A huge shout out to Literary Feline for her reviews and recommendations of the Sookie series. If it hadn't been for her blogging, I probably wouldn't have picked up this book.
What was the last book you read just for fun. No ARC, no review....just a fun, you picked it book for yourself. Did you like it? How did it feel to have no obligation to review your book? Tell us your story. I'm curious.
Enjoy your week.....
Where is your cousin now? Did you give him my address? ...
I am reading an ARC and I am almost done but had to go look at the title! But I'm terrible that way. It's "The Brutal Telling" by Louise Penny - it's halfway between a cozy mystery and a regular mystery - would that make it an uncomfortable mystery? I don't know - have to come up with a name!
The garden looks awesome!! :-) I'd love to have something like that.
I just stumbled onto your blog thanks to Sunday Salon, and I'll definitely be back!
Happy Reading!
The vast majority of the books I talk about are not ARCs, but I do find myself mentally shackled by all the Challenges I join. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE reading challenges, but I think I'm going to give myself a break from them in 2010.
There is nothing better than a whole bunch of plants and flowers - I love it! Your garden looks great. Congrats to your sister-that is just awesome! Have a great Sunday.
Oh, how I wish I had a green thumb! Your garden looks so beautiful, Donna. Many congratulations to your sister on her accomplishment! That is truly wonderful news!
I am so glad you enjoyed Dead Until Dark. Now I can breath a sigh of relief that I didn't steer you wrong. Hopefully you will like the rest of the series just as much. :-)
I review every book I read so I'd be hard pressed to remember one I read that didn't get reviewed--I'd have to go back at least three and a half years ago. LOL The Red Tent was the last book I read that wasn't a book I agreed to review. It'll still get a review though. I should be posting it later this week if I ever get it finished.
I hope you have a great week, Donna!
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